
All opinions expressed on our blog are that of the student writers and are not representative of BridgeUSA. We encourage our students to share their thoughts on current events and issues in a way that stirs thought and creates constructive dialogue.


How to Improve Your Political Discussions At Thanksgiving Dinner

BridgeUSA and AllSides This post is in partnership with AllSides Media. AllSides is a nonpartisan media organization that exposes people…


Press Release: Nov. 14, 2022

Braver Angels, BridgeUSA, and Starts With Us Partner to Host “Hold America Together,” a Post-Midterms Event Series for the 87%…


Students Sent to Doctor After Accidentally Brushing Ideological Bubbles

Two students were rushed to their university’s hospital last week following a month of trying to rid themselves of the…


“You Can’t Talk to People You Disagree With,” Says Twitter Users

In a drastic turn of events, we have decided to cede our mission to the idea that, in fact, you…


It’s Time for Term Limits in Congress

Hailie Addison The average age of House Members of the 117th Congress is 58.4 years and the average age of…


Why Discussing Guns and Roe v Wade is Difficult, Even for BridgeUSA Students

Jessica Carpenter It’s no secret that guns and abortion are two of — if not the — most contentious topics…