
All opinions expressed on our blog are that of the student writers and are not representative of BridgeUSA. We encourage our students to share their thoughts on current events and issues in a way that stirs thought and creates constructive dialogue.


Press Release: April 25, 2022

TAP is Merging With BridgeUSA Expanding on its initiative to bring high school students into the political discussion. April 25,…


Review: The BridgeUSA Road-Trip

Jessica Carpenter BridgeUSA launched its “Let’s F*cking Talk” campaign in February 2022. The goal of the campaign is to encourage…


Why We’ve Stopped Caring and How We Can Start Again

Taher MV (Originally published on Mar 25, 2021) Disclaimer: BridgeUSA acquired The Acceptance Project (TAP) in April 2022 as part…


Bridge-Building Practices That Can Actually Help In Your Relationships

Jessica Carpenter It’s Valentine’s Day weekend and I’m ready to celebrate in the best way possible: Watching the Super Bowl.…


What We Can Learn About Leadership and Addressing Dissent Today From MLK Jr.

Jessica Carpenter In 2022, we are living through one of the most polarizing times in modern American history. With the…


A Reflection of American Democracy

By Manu Meel There is a deep tension between what I know to be true of the United States and…